
The award will be some dollars and Honored Tokens or Conqueror Tokens. Just for participating the player earns tokens, so it is important to you participate, even if you don't win the battle.
Tournament 1v1 and 2v2:
Level 80 - 119: 3 Honored Token for participation and 20/16/12/8/4/2/1 Honored Token based on the position of the player in the Tournament.
Level 120 - 149: 4 Honored Token for participation and 25/20/16/12/8/5/2 Honored Token based on the position of the player in the Tournament.
Level 150 - 199: 5 Honored Token for participation and 50/40/30/25/20/15/5 Honored Token based on the position of the player in the Tournament.
Level 200 - 249: 6 Honored Token for participation and 70/60/50/40/30/20/10 Honored Token based on the position of the player in the Tournament.
Level 250+: 8 Honored Token for participation and 70/60/50/40/30/20/10 Honored Token based on the position of the player in the Tournament.
Tournament 3v3:
Level 80 - 199: 5 Honored Token for participation and 50/40/30/25/20/15/5 Honored Token based on the position of the player in the Tournament.
Level 200+: 10 Honored Token for participation and 70/60/50/40/30/20/10 Honored Token based on the position of the player in the Tournament.
*If Player level is higher than 250, he receive Conqueror Token.